Blog Backstage Exit

"누가 봐도 내가 좀 죽여주잖아 "

Sherley Amelita / チェ ルリ / 체루리 / hikari sakura
11 April
Student, graphic designer, random girl

a camwhore and simple girl that pop out from awesomeness world. Great and Enthusiastic in GFX, starting taking interest in Journalist. a random girl who loves her senseless words and thoughts. Devil smile is her trademark. I'm an Indonesian girl who got mistaken for a Filipino. talk to me in Tagalog is ok ok though. Speaking fluently 2 languages and learning 4 more A wanna be dancer and singer. Kpop, Man Pop, Canton Pop, Jpop, old classical and English songs fandoms. i'm a math question that hard to be solved. Don't try to guess my action, you will get it differently with my family.
YM :
SKYPE: sheshane24
FB : Sherley Amelita


♔ Bebeibh ♔ MonVes ♔ Gita ♔ Clere ♔ Aryo ♔ Claragh ♔ Ely ♔ Kiemx ♔ Takeru ♔ Vee ♔ BBI (big bang Indonesia) ♔ YG LADIES FORUM Susan Eka Theobieber Mor-chii Lhesz Pu3 Indah Supermerlion Pink Sin Ying lady myx Cynthia Fujioshi natasya K ZIC098


" 소유자의 무의미한 생각. 임의 생각과 삶의 전체"-세루리-


sheluvluv @ SHE
By Rae at Aein
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